To become a member of the Ithaca Branch of AAUW, complete this membership form:
2024-2025 AAUW Dues
Name _________________________________________________________________________________________
If new Address _______________________________ City, State, Zip ______________________________
Phone: Home _______________________Work _____________________ Cell ________________________
E-Mail _________________________________________________________________________________________
Check number and amount _________________________________________________________________
Regular Membership:
Association $72.00
New York $7
Ithaca Branch$3.00
Total $82.00
Special Memberships:
Student Affiliate (undergraduates) $18.81
Graduate Student $18.81
College Affiliation ___________________________________________________
How would you like to receive our newsletter? ____ US Mail _____ E-Mail
Return this form with check payable to Ithaca AAUW to treasurer
Margaret Nichols, 111 Stewart Ave., 1NW, Ithaca, NY 14850